If you want to solve a problem in the field of data collection and create an IoT system, contact us!


Data & IoT

The theoretical background of QA is dominated by Six Sigma. The technical background for quality assurance is provided by reliable data collection processes. We can primarily assist in the development / implementation of such systems. Handheld data loggers (PDAs) and IoT devices can use almost all communication protocols to transmit data. The most common forms of communication between the database server and the data collection units are Wi-Fi and 3G/4G. In addition, LoRa, ZigBee, etc. can be used as well. Choosing a data transfer method is one of the very first steps in designing a system.

The choice may depend not only on the technical requirements but also on the data security requirements, and there may be cases where the use of a wired (LAN) network is required. If this has already been set up and the connection of the new data processing units is not a problem, the solution is relatively simple. If you do not already have a LAN or have a compatibility issue, building a new wired network is likely to be more costly than using one of the wireless protocols.

In the past years, we installed data collection / processing systems in several plants and factories, of which the largest volume project was implemented in NOKIA’s (Komárom) plant. Here, as part of a quality assurance task, we created an online reporting system available through a global intranet based on mobile data collection. The DFD data schema shown in the figure shows the structure of the top layer of the implemented system. The system covers almost all stages of production, from the quality inspection of parts from suppliers through the individual steps of the production stages to the final quality control after assembly.

Data logger devices –seen on the left– developed for recording high-temp data on multiple channels (6/unit). Temp range is -40C to 1500C. The temp sensors are N-type thermocouples. In addition each unit has a connection to a lab-scale to measure the mass of CO2 gas evolved. The units record the data on an SD card and use USB2 to load data to PC. With the built in batteries and the ruggedized housing these loggers can withstand the harsh environment of a foundry plant. About our TEST equipment you can read here.

We enterprise the development/ implementation of data collection systems based on individual needs. 
