If you need help with any mechanical or electronic design task or making a prototype, contact us!
CAD Tools
CAD software is essential in today’s design processes. In recent years, technological advances in both hardware and software have been so rapid that CAD is available to everyone.

Processor-intensive graphics are no longer a big challenge in a PC environment. On virtually assembled machines, movements, collision tests and finite element analysis can be performed before the prototype is completed. All of this greatly reduces the cost of development projects. Some sample projects here

Circuit design is done in CAD from conceptual circuit diagrams to PCB and implant drawings. Circuit production is also done on CNC machines. Various circuit simulations, like mechanical design, are extremely time and cost effective. Today’s electronic design programs also handle 3D mechanical components, allowing circuit designs to be used directly in mechanical design software. Projects with self-developed electronics

Cost Optimization
For cost-effectiveness and education purposes, CAD design processes are conducted in part with the involvement of university students. This helps students gain professional experience while participating in real development projects. Our design capacity mainly covers our own projects, but we are also ready for any (partial) design tasks. Design process flow

Our company designs mechanical / electronic / software components. Contact us for details!